Planned Giving & Legacy Donations
Because of the altruism of kind, generous, and community-oriented animal lovers like you, Concern for Animals has stood as a pillar of strength for struggling people and pets for over four decades. Your legacy and personal story will continue that life-saving work, directly impacting the health and longevity of the human-animal bond for thousands of people and pets in our shared community. What we do would truly be impossible without your investments.
Food & Supply Drives
Hosting food and supply drives can be a great option for youth groups and families. Drives can be hosted by schools, neighborhoods, or take place outside of your favorite store. If you schedule a drive with our team, CFA can provide outreach materials, signage, tables, and may even be able to attend the event with your group!
Custom Go-Kits/ Go-Kit Items
CFA provides Go-Kits to struggling owners navigating tough situations in life. These kits include all the basics that pet owners need to get by. Youth groups can coordinate with CFA to create full Go-Kits or handmade toys for Go-Kits. CFA believes that financial hurdles should not stop youth from participating in community service. We will help troops obtain enough materials for all members to participate.
Informational Zines & Comics
If your group has an artistic flair, we would love to work with them to create informational zines and comics to spread animal welfare information. From explaining what declawing is to creating a toxic foods pamphlet, we think that your group could help spread important info that could improve the lives of animals. Let us know what kinds of subjects your team is interested in!
Green House Initiatives
CFA's annual Mother's Day Market Fundraiser happens every May. For youth and groups that have access to greenhouses, a long-term planting project could directly benefit the fundraiser. Blooms, vegetable and fruit plants, saplings, or floral arrangements can be donated to the event. Green House initiatives are a more involved project. Email us for more info!