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SafePlace & Turning Pointe Partnership

CFA knows that the bond between people and their pets can be critical to their emotional and mental health, as well as their sense of safety. This can be especially true for survivors of domestic violence, who can oftentimes have their pets used against them, or feel as though they don't have the tools to successfully leave the situation with their pet. Working with SafePlace Olympia and Turning Pointe Shelton, CFA provides two programs to create a safety net for survivors.

Concern for Animals CFA advocacy animal welfare assistance help survivors of domestic violence pet animal dog cat shelter homeless assistance pet food supplies foodbank


Working with our community partner Mud Bay, CFA has created a Go-Kit program to help survivors of domestic violence immediately leave hostile environments with their pets. Survivors contact SafePlace or Turning Pointe and are referred to the CFA office to get all of their pet's basic necessities. This includes food, treats, collars, leashes, bedding, toys, litter, carriers, etc.

Concern for Animals CFA animal welfare assistance help survivors of domestic violence pet animal dog cat shelter homeless assistance pet food supplies foodbank

Transitional Housing Program

Survivors of domestic violence who are attempting to enter transitional housing with their pets can contact SafePlace or Turning Pointe and get a referral to CFA's Transitional Housing Program. This program will pay for their pet's wellness exams, necessary vaccinations, parasite and flea medication, and any other barriers holding them back from housing with their pet.


SafePlace Olympia WA washington suvivors domestic violence advocacy
Safe Place Olympia

521 Legion Way SE
Olympia, WA. 98501


Business Line: (360) 786-8754
24 Hour HelpLine: (360) 754-6300


Business Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9am-12pm 1pm-5pm

Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center Shelton WA washington suvivors domestic violence advocacy
Turning Pointe Shelton

210 Pacific Court
Shelton, WA 98584


Office: (360) 426-1216

Fax: (360) 426-2922


Operates 24/7

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Mon-Fri: 10am-4pm

1414 State Ave NE
Olympia, WA 98506
P: (360) 456-8176 |  F: (360) 628-8615

Combined Fund Drive #1478830

Tax ID No. 91-1135340

Concern for Animals is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. 

Contributions to Concern for Animals are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by applicable law.

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